Chatham Hill Honey

Chatham Hill’s bee apiary is located in upstate New York in the foothills of the Berkshires on a 50 acres farm.

It is the perfect location for a bee sanctuary because the fields have returned to their original organic state and are filled with wild flowers and rich evergreen forests.

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What is a better gift than golden amber honey filled with healing powers and an amazingly delicious taste? The honey worker bee produces about 1/10 of a teaspoon of honey in its short six-week life span. To get five gallons of honey it takes about 7, 680 bees! Bee keepers generally lose about 30% of their hives each season. In order to keep as many bees alive as possible, beekeepers have added chemicals to their hives which further weakens the bee’s immune systems.

At Chatham Hill we do not use chemicals in our hives, and we are developing a stronger strain of bee that produces a pure, all-natural honey.

We take measures to protect our hives, including an electric fence to keep out the bears. In the winter, each hive is lined with newspaper and enough honey is left for the bees to winter over. We are rewarded with the amazingly delicious honey that is produced by the bees during the spring and summer.

For more information email Rose

Copyright © 2017-2020 Chatham Hill Honey